If you are a full time student with SAIL and have completed or are close to completing a Math 10 course please contact our office to make an appointment. You should make a Provincial Numeracy Assessment appointment if you have not previously earned at least 1/4 on this test.
If you are a high school aged cross enrolled student attending another school please contact your homeschool office to make an appointment when you are ready for the test.
If you are an elementary aged student please wait to make the appointment until you are attending a high school on a full time basis.
If you are a graduated adult student you do not need to write this assessment.
If you are a non-graduated adult on the current graduation plan please contact our office when you are ready to write this test.
If you have already earned your credits for a Grade 10 Math course but have not scored at least a 1 out of 4 on the Provincial Numeracy Assessment please contact your home school office immediately for the next test appointment.
The Provincial Graduation Numeracy Assessment is Mandatory for Graduation & Potential Post-Secondary Entrance.
The BC Ministry of Education has asked all school aged students in our province finishing a grade 10 Math course to write the Provincial Numeracy Assessment to complete their new numeracy graduation requirements.
If you have not yet written that assessment or earned a score of at least 1 out of 4 on it you should contact your home school office or home school Math Department immediately. Each high school should offer this test by pre-arranged appointment in November, January, April and June of each school year.
The numeracy assessment is required for all BC students to graduate under the new graduation plan and therefore it is mandatory for Post-Secondary application and entrance. Please contact any post-secondary institution(s) you may be interested in to ensure when this test needs to be passed for your personal application(s).
If you do not register for an assessment with a school office it will not be ordered for you and therefore you will not be able to write the assessment.